Why Your Business Needs To Invest In Social Media

It’s no question the important role that social media plays in businesses. It provides an influential platform to communicate and interact with when concerning customers and clients. Even with the benefits of being able to instantly reach all of your customers many business owners are still hesitant to make the transition online.

This can seem daunting at first, and it’s ok to feel that way. It’s a big step for a business, especially since it adds a sense of credibility and authenticity to your company. And in truth, that’s the underlying key to why it’s so important to invest in social media at this moment.

There’s no time to waste. Many potential customers are online searching for products and watching videos and you have the opportunity to keep your business at the forefront of their minds. This is easily done by being able to post on social media consistently every day. This will then keep your customer’s attention on your product as they scroll through their social feed every day. This will remind them that you’re still operational and can attract customers back to your business that you otherwise wouldn’t have had.

Three Girls Media came up with an info graph that best sums up how your business can benefit from having social media. You can see from the info graph the point of view from both an industry and a customers outlook.

Below we have compiled the top reasons why investing in social media is key! We begin to outline the different advantages of how having your social media being presented to your customers can benefit your business.

Why Organic Social Media Is Important Right Now

Now, what constitutes organic social media? This comes down to posting about your business, promotions, staff, customers, or pictures of your everyday service. By far the cheapest and easiest way to interact with your customers online. This is usually what you think of when the topic of business owners using social media comes up.

At this moment social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are taking advantage of sharing information in an artistic style. This is not only captivating an audience that is going to stay on the platform but there are ways to reach your target market because of it.

Many businesses can benefit from having an organic social media campaign due to how accessible and low cost it is. Some examples of projects that have worked are:

  • Promoting sales and deals for your store
  • Interacting with positive reviews as well as communicating directly to negative ones
  • Being able to post daily updates and pictures to showcase your company culture
  • Highlight employees and overachievers
  • Do weekly Live chats with your customers
  • Change in store or service policies (i.e. change of operation hours, services offered)
  • Showcasing seasonal or Holiday decoration of the business

There are many ways for your business to showcase and reach out to your customer/client base. This can take a lot of time out of your day, which is why we recommend talking to one of our specialists about BrandRep’s social media package for more information on how you can automate these posts for your business.

How Many People Are Using Social Media

While it might seem like there’s an urge to use social media less, the data shows otherwise. Facebook’s overall active users continue to increase every year across the platform as a whole. 1.62 billion users visit Facebook daily.

That is a staggering amount, and it is only increasing year after year. With this in mind, the potential audience you have is much bigger on social media than it is with physical advertising. Having sales being promoted at the front of your brick and mortar, or on your website will not be able to reach everyone you want it to.

More people are on social media now than ever before. Take advantage of that! Even your most loyal customers will miss huge announcements if they have to go searching for them. Get ahead of that and post these announcements, deals, and updates on their feed through social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Still don’t believe social media can help your business? 81% of all small and medium businesses use some kind of social platform. This shows that your competitors could be using social media already, and their customers are paying attention.

How To Build Your Brand On Social Media

Creating a brand is the key to success in an online environment. One of the primary reasons that people buy products from a business is because they trust their name. If you’ve established credibility, then people easily see the value of what you have to offer.

A jump to online social media can be a good time to start evaluating your brand and the value it offers to your customers and clients. For instance, 60% of US millennials expect consistent experiences when dealing with brands online, in-store, or by phone.

Building your brand can be broken down into important steps:

  1. Understanding your audience – Understanding the audience that interacts with your products and services the most is important. This way you can
  2. Find and Join Groups – Joining groups that have an audience that would most likely purchase from you is a great way to both promote yourself and learn how to best interact with you.
  3. Consistency Is Key– Having a consistent image and color for your brand will make all of your posts instantly recognizable to your customers. This is important for those who scroll through their feed without reading any of the posts.

Why It’s A Good Time To Do Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are a game-changer. The businesses that have the most success using social media come from those who invest with Facebook ads, and now is the best time to invest!

Investing in Ads may seem like a daunting task, but this doesn’t have to be the case. By understanding your brand, the audience that is most likely to purchase from you, as well as being consistent in your message, your business will succeed.

Posting Ads through Facebook has proven results. Ad clicks are increasing 70% year over year, and ad click-through rates are increasing by 160%. This means more people are clicking and interacting with Ads posted on social media.

Facebook Ads puts your service or product in front of the audience that is most willing to purchase your product. You can have your ads take the customer to your website, to your product page, or even a signup page for you to contact them at a later date. This will turn cold leads into warm ones, giving your business a better chance for a sale or purchase.

If you have any questions on how you can get started building your own ads, or needing help getting started, contact BrandRep to speak with one of our specialists. There we can help you build out your Ad strategy and get you started on interacting with your customers as well as reaching potential new clients.

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