Getting Started with LinkedIn
Congratulations on taking the steps to expand your business’s reach on social media!
In order for us to proceed with your Social Profile Setup, we’ll need you to perform a few initial steps to grant us administrator privileges, so that we can proceed to customize your profile. If you are new to LinkedIn for Business, please begin with Creating a LinkedIn Page below. If you already have a LinkedIn Page, please skip to the following section Grant Admin Access.

How do I create a LinkedIn Page?
First, you will need a personal LinkedIn Account to create a LinkedIn Page.
To create a LinkedIn Page via your personal LinkedIn profile on a computer:
- Go to
- Add the Name – this should be your Legal Business Name if available, or something very close to it.
- Choose a LinkedIn Public URL:
- Enter your Website URL
- Select your Industry
- Select your Company Size
- Select a Company Type
- Upload a Logo – or you can skip this for now, and we can update this for you.
- Enter a Tag Line – This is optional, but always a nice touch, or you can skip for now and we’ll help you with this.
- Check the Box verifying you are an authorized representative of the organization.
- Click Create Page
Done! Your new LinkedIn Business Page has been created.
See, that wasn’t so hard! Now, all we need to do is grant our BrandRep Social Specialist with Admin privileges so we can begin working our magic!

How do I add BrandRep as an Admin on my Page?
To add an admin to your Page:
- Sign in to your Page admin center.
- Click the Admin tools dropdown at the top of the page and select Page admins.
- Next, you can complete one or both of the following sequence of steps.To add a new admin: Select the “Designated Admin” type on the left rail of the Manage admins modal. Type the name of the member you’d like to add in the Add new admin by name… text field. Click Save changes.
- To approve an admin request: Select Pending Admin Requests tab from the left rail. Click Grant access then Save changes.
- You must be connected in the first degree to the requesting member to grant admin access.
- The Pending Admin Requests tab is only visible when there’s one or more pending request(s).
- You can also Deny an admin request from the Pending Admin Requests tab.
To add an admin to your Page via notification email: When a member requests to be added as an admin to your Page, an email will be sent to the admin(s). An admin can click Deny or Grant access as a response to the request directly from the email notification if logged into
- If the admin isn’t logged into, clicking Deny or Grant access will route to the sign-in page.